Status 5-18-15*
Man oh man! Intensive voice acting class. Four hours of finding your best character types in monologues in the morning, short lunch, four hours with scene partners into the evening, then another hour of discussion after. LONG day. Tough, but productive. I’m moving right along finding out what’s in MY voice that I can develop to be commercially viable. It is a long road, as are most things worth doing, but exciting. I was so happy I didn’t take in one bit of criticism as personal or as a lack in myself, but was able to translate it all into making my performance better. And I did! My takes improved every time with the direction and I am glad I went. It was very challenging for me. but BCs, No risk, no soar!
![Roof of department store under construction](
Good thing I didn’t spend much time in my room. THIS construction of a new department store is all the view I have.
Right now still relaxing in my hotel drinking their free coffee. I’m SO tired, I may forgo the pool this time. But I may not. I’ll see how I feel after the coffee kicks in.
![Hotel room desk with Laurie's computer and Starbucks coffee cup nearby](
Here’s my Monday morning so far, free coffee, fooling with the computer, and writing this VERY status report. Ohhh worlds within worlds….spooky!
Then I’m hoping to write the next show, either here before home, or once I get home, and weather permitting, hike and record tomorrow. Will be happy to see Mark and kitties, but it was kind of fun to be out doing “my thing” solo. Made me feel strong in my identity as Laurie doing what it takes, and proud of myself for dealing with all that came my way.
Have a great day BCs!
How about you?
Please feel free to comment on MY statuses or add YOUR OWN thoughts, feelings, challenges, rants and raves on these pages too. That was one of the original purposes of why I posted on FB. I thought BCs might like to share about THEIR days. So if you have thoughts and feelings you’d like to share with the group, go ahead and put them here with your comments.
*Daily statuses are not part of the blog’s email notification. When you enter your email under where it says SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL, you will be notified of regular blog posts and when podcast episodes are released. I didn’t want to clog your inbox with my daily statuses. However, the automatic publicize feature will inform you on my show FB page, my AdventureLaurie twitter account, google+ on its show page, and Tumblr.
PSS, some BCs have asked me the difference between blog postings and status pages. Blog postings are where I develop a complete topic triggered by my status thoughts. Status thoughts are how my day went, what’s on my agenda, and how my body feels today – and not much editing or thought goes into them. That’s why I don’t clog up your email with them. 🙂
The Bravery Coach
TheBraveryCoach daily tweet is a morning mediation on how I either did, or can incorporate an aspect of bravery into my day. It is cheerful. It is esteem building. Those who want to follow these on Twitter may, by searching for the hashtag #bravery or by seeing my profile:
Good to see you here.. I too am so tired, life is a ‘long day’ as of late it seems argh! feeling some frumpy-ness; not sure what’s goin on.. bleh, good news today so far, feeling a wee bit better ! yay
Solo is good.. im ‘envious’….
glad your learning yourself up smart!
Just checking in.. yahooo, im starting to feel a lot better again..
I think im learning that my body doesn’t like to ‘over-eat’ and not only that but eating not the best of choiced foods either.. interesting stuff im learning about myself..
Yesterday was an anniversary of 3 years since obtaining life-time status *at goal* (derp) with weight watchers, thinking that compiled with looking at pictures, and trotting down memory lane, coupled with the poor food/eating choices took control of me..
what Laurie would say Alien robots… hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Happy day friends…
Im learning things as to why i may have been so ‘off’ over the weekend.. yay for that.. I don’t have a ‘physical cycle’ (sorry boys) anymore, so it’s hard some-times to tell if im experiencing the “I am woman hear me roar” syndrome.. but I have other ‘things’ that occur in my body that are validating, yes.. I am in deed still a woman, and am ROARing.. ha! okay.. too much maybe. but..
Im certainly feeling much better.. whoot whoot
Hoping the same for everyone else as well..
after much stressing/obsessing and pondering.. im to a place that Im thinking it’s time for another ‘drastic’ (in my mind) change to my ‘ways of doing things’ and letting go of the ‘assignment’ of a numerical ‘value’ to food.
I feel there is still an importance in ‘tracking’ or ‘logging’ or ‘journaling’ my food but Im losing the desire to continue to apply a ‘numerical value’ (calorie;ppv etc) to it.. this is a SUPER HUGE step for me..
Our weather is lovely and I do hope despite the anticipation of a ‘wet’ June it stays lovely
Hi Dawny, I’ve been AWOL for a bit, working with an audio consultant trying to figure out the new acoustic treatments for my guest room/recording studio. So many dang things to consider…
But back to YOU gal. I’m not one bit surprised that your WW anniversary brings up conflicting feelings for you. That WAS your way of life, just as a religion is one’s way of life from the inside out. Right now, you are exploring and so it isn’t a perfect match. Yet – so MUCH of your life was there. And it was comforting to “have the answer” wasn’t it? It’s true, if we go by the PPV value we will lose weight. And when we trust ourselves, the path isn’t as clear. The results aren’t as clear. It can cause conflict inside that conundrum. Also, physically, I don’t have the old female cycles either, but in a way I DO. I can track a similar ebb and flow with my emotions AND with how dang puffy I am vs. feeling lean and light. And it corresponds almost exactly to what my old cycle would have been. Even though I am without some of those particular lady parts, there it is! And just like the old days, I have learned to drink water and ride it out.
Maybe for your drastic change you can try for a day or a few days and see how it feels. That IS drastic for you. You can always touch base too, like I did that week of calorie counting, to see where you are. I think you are on to something that many of these feelings are a shift in mindset. But as long as you do stay true to yourself, and don’t kid yourself about what you want and how you are doing, and know you can always change your mind! Your life is the true journey, and you ARE the captain and star of it. You have every right to make yourself happy in the ways that most match up to your inner compass. xoxoxoxoxox
Thank you for your encouragement & support.
I hope your doing/feeling well.