Category Archives: Status


June 19, 2015

Status 6-19-15*


I had an interesting day in therapy where we addressed my concerns about HOW UNMOTIVATED I AM! Usually, this is a sign that depression is sneaking up on me. But I feel GREAT! I’m sleeping, I’m upbeat, I’m excited for things, people and activities in my life right now, so what’s the deal with me putting off shows, or housework or even taking my vitamins?

You’ll NEVER GUESS! It’s because of my successful mindfulness. Wow! I’m not as motivated because I’m not motivating myself with the inner stick all day every day. And I’m not worried at night – probably why my sleep has been better lately. Not to say this show and blog are horrible tasks I MUST DO, but there are days when I haven’t wanted to, and I did, just BECAUSE I SHOULD. No more! I will write and record when moved to do so. This will vary with my other busyness, things in my own life that need pondering and the amount of participation. This is a WHOPPIN’ new idea. I will get to the housework when I do. I have never in the past allowed my house of dusty horrors to last forever, and my therapist assures me I won’t now. She says people pay BIG BUCKS to go to a retreat. I’m just on my own STAY-treat, right here. I’m not lazy, I’m recharging my emotional batteries. Cool beans! This thought actually motivates me to do a little more and not feel pressure about it.


Excited that my first professional quality mic is arriving today! (Downside is I don’t have a window other than 8am – 7pm). So I’m puttering around here, writing more segments for my next episode, studying phonics and watching America’s Got Talent. That is really a cheerful show. I have never seen it before as we don’t have regular TV and it just showed up on Hulu for Roku this year. Fun! I may also do some recordings if the mic arrives early enough to test it. That would inspire me to more practice before class tomorrow. Oh, and I also took my vitamins, so I guess I AM coming out of my Zen space long enough to take care of a few things.

Edited: HOORAY! Mic is here. Now to have fun figuring everything out and then to test its sound. How exciting, and somehow scary. Good thing I’ve been practicing bravery! I can tell myself, no worries. We are just taking one more step in the journey.

Have a great day BCs!


How about you?

Please feel free to comment on MY statuses or add YOUR OWN thoughts, feelings, challenges, rants and raves on these pages too. That was one of the original purposes of why I posted on FB. I thought BCs might like to share about THEIR days. So if you have thoughts and feelings you’d like to share with the group, go ahead and put them here with your comments.

*Daily statuses are not part of the blog’s email notification. When you enter your email under where it says SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL, you will be notified of regular blog posts and when podcast episodes are released. I didn’t want to clog your inbox with my daily statuses. However, the automatic publicize feature will inform you on my show FB page, my AdventureLaurie twitter account, google+ on its show page, and Tumblr.

PS If you wish to sign up for email notification of blog postings and shows going live (not these status reports) enter your email where it says: “SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL”. This blog subscription widget is located to the right on computers and on some tablets, and below the posts on smart phones and on other types of tablets.

PSS, some BCs have asked me the difference between blog postings and status pages. Blog postings are where I develop a complete topic triggered by my status thoughts. Status thoughts are how my day went, what’s on my agenda, and how my body feels today – and not much editing or thought goes into them. That’s why I don’t clog up your email with them. πŸ™‚

The Bravery Coach

TheBraveryCoach daily tweet is a morning mediation on how I either did, or can incorporate an aspect of bravery into my day. It is cheerful. It is esteem building. Those who want to follow these on Twitter may, by searching for the hashtag #bravery or by seeing my profile:

Daily Bravery Tweets via TheBraveryCoach on Twitter


June 17, 2015

Status 6-17-15*


I’m combatting a small case of the blahs with learning things. I’ve had the Classroom in a Book series FOREVER, which I purchased long ago to learn my audio editing software better. Sigh. BUT, I have ended up always ‘just getting by’ with the minimum needed to do the show. I’m ‘TOO BUSY’ to apply myself to learning audio concepts and editing for real. Well, after being tempted to kill time with yet another rerun season of my binge TV of choice, Survivor, I decided to Survive MYSELF and USE time instead of kill it by starting the lessons in my book.

I also lately purchased the book, Phonetics For Dummies

It’s pretty cool and is teaching me HOW we make sounds in speech and how to document these with the International Phonetic Alphabet. Very useful for learning dialects and accents in voice acting AND for helping me learn how to better shape my mouth and place my tongue etc. to overcome my facial challenges from the bike accident. So I started reading this one too.

Then Mark and I recorded a new announcer bit for the show in our fancy new recording space. We are starting a BC Bravery Sports Report, where you can call in with your personal best celebrations, or tell when you try some new active thing. We’ll kick off with Dawny’s Half Marathon. Then just after, I interviewed Mark to answer a question for Dave. I think it will work out as a cute segment.

But I have to be honest, I think the summer blahs are getting a bit to me. I notice I’m eating more than before. Not bingeing, just more often than usual. Methinks boredom or anxiety is in the mix somewhere. Hence the learning projects.


We’re off to the salon to get our hair done. And we have writing group tonight. I think it is SO cool how much Mark ended up loving this group, since he really started going too by accident when he drove me one day. Goes to show, trying new things can add joy to your life!

I’m writing a new episode for the podcast in drips and dabs. I just haven’t been as inspired lately. But I keep plugging away, so a new show WILL appear one of these days. Cheryl says it is just the season and the weather. I hope so, because between BCs taking a comment break, and ME being too dang hot, I’m starting to drift down the lazy river of ‘who cares?’, BUT I know this is just a mood and so I’m not paying it much mind – other than cutting myself slack so as not to turn the show into another chore to avoid. Hope YOUR summer days are filled with fun and rest BCs!


How about you?

Please feel free to comment on MY statuses or add YOUR OWN thoughts, feelings, challenges, rants and raves on these pages too. That was one of the original purposes of why I posted on FB. I thought BCs might like to share about THEIR days. So if you have thoughts and feelings you’d like to share with the group, go ahead and put them here with your comments.

*Daily statuses are not part of the blog’s email notification. When you enter your email under where it says SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL, you will be notified of regular blog posts and when podcast episodes are released. I didn’t want to clog your inbox with my daily statuses. However, the automatic publicize feature will inform you on my show FB page, my AdventureLaurie twitter account, google+ on its show page, and Tumblr.

PS If you wish to sign up for email notification of blog postings and shows going live (not these status reports) enter your email where it says: “SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL”. This blog subscription widget is located to the right on computers and on some tablets, and below the posts on smart phones and on other types of tablets.

PSS, some BCs have asked me the difference between blog postings and status pages. Blog postings are where I develop a complete topic triggered by my status thoughts. Status thoughts are how my day went, what’s on my agenda, and how my body feels today – and not much editing or thought goes into them. That’s why I don’t clog up your email with them. πŸ™‚

The Bravery Coach

TheBraveryCoach daily tweet is a morning mediation on how I either did, or can incorporate an aspect of bravery into my day. It is cheerful. It is esteem building. Those who want to follow these on Twitter may, by searching for the hashtag #bravery or by seeing my profile:

Daily Bravery Tweets via TheBraveryCoach on Twitter


June 12, 2015

Status 6-12-15*


Therapy was fun — more about learning how to deal with POSITIVE emotions. Wow! Who knew I had to learn THAT? Mark, bless him continued the recording studio project. I remained out of his way except to provide beverage when called, and enjoyed a lazy day petting Tiger and watching season 13 of Project Runway. I did have a run in with a wine bottle. I planned to make risotto for lunch, and found a rocking oak barrel Chardonnay – oak makes this wine taste great with dairy based foods, like cheese or cream. Whipped out my heavy duty cork remover. The cork was SO tight, it broke my wine opener to smithereens. I tried two more less fancy models. Same result. I tried a sharp knife. No getting in there. I decided the universe didn’t want me to enjoy wine today. Later on, Mark was able to get the cork out with his mad superman like upper body strength. After filtering out cork crumbs from my prior knife attack, I tried a sip. Not bad, but since after all of the wine folderol I hadn’t gotten around to making the risotto, I didn’t want to drink more. Some wine is made for sipping alone, some needs to pair with food to taste good.


Mark is done putting up the track in the guest room ceiling for the sound blankets to run along. YAY! But this means the room is FILLED top to bottom with drywall dust. Yikes! A day of vacuuming is in my future with a side of endless laundry as we inadvertently left the closet door open and my clothes are likewise covered with fine white dust.

But vacuuming aside, I am SO thankful to have a hubby who knows construction, can think about not hitting the water pipes in the ceiling, and is willing to support me with his heart and with his labor. xoxoxox

Have a great day BCs!


How about you?

Please feel free to comment on MY statuses or add YOUR OWN thoughts, feelings, challenges, rants and raves on these pages too. That was one of the original purposes of why I posted on FB. I thought BCs might like to share about THEIR days. So if you have thoughts and feelings you’d like to share with the group, go ahead and put them here with your comments.

*Daily statuses are not part of the blog’s email notification. When you enter your email under where it says SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL, you will be notified of regular blog posts and when podcast episodes are released. I didn’t want to clog your inbox with my daily statuses. However, the automatic publicize feature will inform you on my show FB page, my AdventureLaurie twitter account, google+ on its show page, and Tumblr.

PS If you wish to sign up for email notification of blog postings and shows going live (not these status reports) enter your email where it says: “SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL”. This blog subscription widget is located to the right on computers and on some tablets, and below the posts on smart phones and on other types of tablets.

PSS, some BCs have asked me the difference between blog postings and status pages. Blog postings are where I develop a complete topic triggered by my status thoughts. Status thoughts are how my day went, what’s on my agenda, and how my body feels today – and not much editing or thought goes into them. That’s why I don’t clog up your email with them. πŸ™‚

The Bravery Coach

TheBraveryCoach daily tweet is a morning mediation on how I either did, or can incorporate an aspect of bravery into my day. It is cheerful. It is esteem building. Those who want to follow these on Twitter may, by searching for the hashtag #bravery or by seeing my profile:

Daily Bravery Tweets via TheBraveryCoach on Twitter


June 11, 2015

Status 6-11-15*

Hi email folk, I’m letting this status report go out to you as there is much cool news in it. xoxoxox


I had a very exciting and fulfilling day. I had my first professional voice acting audition! Yay me! I’m on the bravery report for that. BC Sandy provided the opportunity and I swallowed my fear and gave it a go. Of course I would be thrilled and over the moon if I booked this job, but it is important to understand that it doesn’t matter if I do. It would be very unlikely in fact that I would book my first audition.

What excites me, is that my goal was to feel that I had the chops to audition for a job for real and not feel embarrassed by my audition AND I DID THAT! I felt I had a shot. I felt I gave my acting choice. I didn’t feel unworthy or incompetent. At this point, the client will decide if my voice and my acting choice suits their needs. End of story. I did all I can do, and I am satisfied with that.

How amazing that I don’t worry now, or fret, or wish ‘I’d done things differently’. What a blessing. I am pleased with my personal growth in that respect, and boy did I need it!

Copy on the music stand by the mic in front of a blanked tossed over the ladder

I quickly dragged my recording equipment back into the guest room, and tossed one of our new sound blankets over Mark’s ladder to create an ad hoc recording studio for my audition.

It was a challenge too, because our room was completely clear of equipment and dismantled as Mark and I (mostly Mark) continued to toil on creating the semi-permanent recording space in the guest room.

Ladder in cleared space in the guest room

Here’s a peek at the construction Mark is doing for my dedicated recording space. Mark is running a track along the ceiling – it’s on the carpet now while he puts in the brackets. Then the sound blankets will run along the brackets like hospital curtains making an easy way for me to have sound treatment and STILL keep my closet.

Another cool thing happened. The editors at Clammr, a social media channel that uses audio clips rather like IG uses photos, decided to feature my content in their personal growth channel. This is pretty cool, so I’m going to go back and create clips and links for all of the episodes. Hopefully we may gain some new BCs this way. Check it out!


Off to therapy, More construction, and more gratitude. I am so happy these days with my life. Wow! I’m not any thinner either. But macht nichts (doesn’t matter). I AM living a life free of the fear of food and making relationships with others and myself my priority.


How about you?

Please feel free to comment on MY statuses or add YOUR OWN thoughts, feelings, challenges, rants and raves on these pages too. That was one of the original purposes of why I posted on FB. I thought BCs might like to share about THEIR days. So if you have thoughts and feelings you’d like to share with the group, go ahead and put them here with your comments.

*Daily statuses are USUALLY not part of the blog’s email notification. When you enter your email under where it says SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL, you will be notified of regular blog posts and when podcast episodes are released. I didn’t want to clog your inbox with my daily statuses. However, the automatic publicize feature will inform you on my show FB page, my AdventureLaurie twitter account, google+ on its show page, and Tumblr.

PS If you wish to sign up for email notification of blog postings and shows going live (not these status reports) enter your email where it says: “SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL”. This blog subscription widget is located to the right on computers and on some tablets, and below the posts on smart phones and on other types of tablets.

PSS, some BCs have asked me the difference between blog postings and status pages. Blog postings are where I develop a complete topic triggered by my status thoughts. Status thoughts are how my day went, what’s on my agenda, and how my body feels today – and not much editing or thought goes into them. That’s why I don’t clog up your email with them. πŸ™‚

The Bravery Coach

TheBraveryCoach daily tweet is a morning mediation on how I either did, or can incorporate an aspect of bravery into my day. It is cheerful. It is esteem building. Those who want to follow these on Twitter may, by searching for the hashtag #bravery or by seeing my profile:

Daily Bravery Tweets via TheBraveryCoach on Twitter


June 7, 2015

Status 6-7-15*


First of all, I was going to write about something else yesterday on the blog, but an Ode to my Toast came out instead. This marks the FIRST time I’ve written a poem instead of prose for you all here. And, I think it may in fact be the first poem I’ve written since my BIG BIKE accident 5 years ago. I used to write poetry quite a bit for fun – goes along with making up songs to sing for the cats. I didn’t think about this one, it just appeared. So I am encouraged that my creative mind is starting to make more of a comeback.

Also we got the shipment of the ceiling track and sound blankets that we are using to turn our guest room into a viable recording space.

Here’s the before – it will be a few days before there is an after.

Mic, music stand, computer - sound recording junk in the guest room

Progress in the sound room! We will create a U-shaped baffle of sound blankets on a track that covers the window and closet and door. Great, because I won’t lose my storage and the sound quality is coming along.

If you’d like to see some more of the recording space and how I use it now, Here’s a link to the video tour I made to send the Coffee Klatchers.

Live Backstage Studio Tour Link

For the first time ever, Mark used my studio mic to record some takes of the poem he’s reading for the next show. It’s his favorite poem. I was astonished by how much heart and will he’s putting into his ‘performance’. Usually he uses Speakpipe on his iPhone to record. It is HIS favorite method. To use a studio mic takes some getting used to, as it shows your breathing and vocal tics much more. However, it also allows more color in your voice, and I’m very excited about Mark’s progress.

Went to my animation voice class, and for various reasons my classmates couldn’t make it, so I lucked into a GREAT solo lesson with my coach David. It was very fruitful and I was pleased with my progress. Especially as we both noted, my fear of the sound booth seems to be totally a thing of the past. YAY!


After this, I’m going to write the show for day 116. I’m hoping to record it early tomorrow. Mark told me he wants to record some more takes for his poem too. So after we do that, I will begin dismantling the studio equipment and cleaning the guest room so we can begin our sound transformation tomorrow. Exciting!

Have a great day BCs!


How about you?

Please feel free to comment on MY statuses or add YOUR OWN thoughts, feelings, challenges, rants and raves on these pages too. That was one of the original purposes of why I posted on FB. I thought BCs might like to share about THEIR days. So if you have thoughts and feelings you’d like to share with the group, go ahead and put them here with your comments.

*Daily statuses are not part of the blog’s email notification. When you enter your email under where it says SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL, you will be notified of regular blog posts and when podcast episodes are released. I didn’t want to clog your inbox with my daily statuses. However, the automatic publicize feature will inform you on my show FB page, my AdventureLaurie twitter account, google+ on its show page, and Tumblr.

PS If you wish to sign up for email notification of blog postings and shows going live (not these status reports) enter your email where it says: “SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL”. This blog subscription widget is located to the right on computers and on some tablets, and below the posts on smart phones and on other types of tablets.

PSS, some BCs have asked me the difference between blog postings and status pages. Blog postings are where I develop a complete topic triggered by my status thoughts. Status thoughts are how my day went, what’s on my agenda, and how my body feels today – and not much editing or thought goes into them. That’s why I don’t clog up your email with them. πŸ™‚

The Bravery Coach

TheBraveryCoach daily tweet is a morning mediation on how I either did, or can incorporate an aspect of bravery into my day. It is cheerful. It is esteem building. Those who want to follow these on Twitter may, by searching for the hashtag #bravery or by seeing my profile:

Daily Bravery Tweets via TheBraveryCoach on Twitter