Ep 0014 – Please help! Big birthday blues and other chip-worthy worries.

The reflection of the sun rays on my face in the oak forest at Descanso Gardens.
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Hallelujah! I enjoyed this accidental ‘artistic’ selfie of my topnot bathed in sun in the oak forest.

Podcast Recap

Feeling blue, whiney and in need of chips, I head to my favorite spot at Descanso and ask my listeners for help and encouragement. Shout-outs to Heidi from Canada for her tweets and to composer, Josh Woodward for being so gracious and generous with his music. Finally someone calls the Daily Adventure Tales hotline, but will it be enough to start up that podcast again?


The Daily Adventure Tale episode where I introduce my fake son, Steve.

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Descanso Gardens

Bravery Hotline

Leave your comments, questions, feelings and stories on Laurie’s podcast voicemail hotline – 206-350-6445.


Host: Laurie Weaver

Main Theme: I’m Letting Go by Josh Woodward from The Simple Life Part 1

I’m Letting Go (Josh Woodward) / CC BY 3.0

Resource of the day

What I’ve Learned About External Validation is a hilarious and spot on blog post by author, Angela Tung. Pretty cool, get perspective and a belly laugh all at the same time!
Comments box:

6 thoughts on “Ep 0014 – Please help! Big birthday blues and other chip-worthy worries.

  1. Michelle

    Hello Laurie, I have just discovered your podcast today for first time, and am so happy that you are doing this. I too am an binge/compulsive eater and have been for many years, with many stories of successful weight loss in the past only to gain it all back and more, time and time again.
    You have a great voice and I appreciate your honesty about your own story of struggle with this affliction.
    I think you are on the right track, in talking about and trying to find out what it is that makes us continue to go round this viscous circle over and over. Anger, hopelessness and low self worth a few things that are triggers for me.
    Please keep up the great work 9.6lbs woo hoo !! I look forward to your next podcast ! 🙂


    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Hi Michelle, I’m so glad you found the podcast and stopped by to encourage me and to share your story. I was feeling so sad and alone, and then up popped your comment! It really makes a big difference to feel supported. Please stop by again, and if you need some support from me, it would be my pleasure. I’m hoping we can build a community here, where it is ok to feel how we feel, and where we can also see that we are not alone. Thanks again!

  2. Crystal

    Happy Birthday Laurie!!! (put the chips down!)
    Listening to your podcast today on the elliptical. Here for a little support. I, too, freak out about vacations. I use to get super excited about them and that I would allow myself to eat whatever, whenever I wanted. Then after about two days of that I feel miserable and bloated because I had dieted prior too and by stomach was not use to all the sugar and fat. But, I kept on eating because I had four days left and that was what I was able to do. I would find myself in a mind set of, “This is the only time I get to eat like this till the next vacation, in 6 to 12 months, so I better eat everything I ever wanted to eat and fast!” UGH!!!! Then the vacation was over and I was 10 pounds heavier than when I got there and started the cycle of dieting all over again.
    I still haven’t figured it out. I just got back from a Colorado ski trip and went in thinking, “I will allow myself to eat whatever I wanted but in MODERATION.” I feel that I stuck to it pretty well and it took the power away from the food.
    In one of your earlier podcasts you said to take the food out of the equation and focus more on the company and sights around you. (not quoted but something close to that anyway) Easier said then done. But you could use another tool, look ahead and past the trip/birthday. Think how proud of yourself you would be if you got through this and didn’t gain a pound. I say that would be quite an accomplishment. So you don’t lose any weight but you didn’t gain any either. Don’t think about the weight you will gain but that you can get through it and not gain any weight. You were able to enjoy what you wanted but in MODERATION. You were able to have great conversations and see details of sights you never noticed before.
    Unfortunately, we are not like everyone else. Our brains function differently. It’s not fair that everyone else can eat what they want, when they want and not have any guilt or regret or weight gain. These were just the cards we were dealt and we have to play them as well as we know how. Don’t fold, up the ante! (Little Las Vegas incorporation) 🙂 Have a great vacation/birthday and take the focus off food and look at everything around you. Enjoy the life you have. I’m listening…

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Crystal, what wonderful wisdom from the elliptical today! Gal, you are just what the Dr. ordered. I’m printing out this post to take with me to Vegas so I can read it and remember my goals. It means the world to me that you responded to my S.O.S., so I will do all in my power to have a positive report from my birthday. I’d better re-listen to episode 12 about Plan ‘Be’ so I can tame my compulsive fear brain with good, positive thoughts and get to enjoy food on my big day vs. being enslaved by it. I am so happy to see you here today, I just can’t tell you. For some reason, I’m hitting a slump. But no real binge in the 5 weeks, so this must be working for me somehow. I think I also get freaked out by success, because I’ve lost it so many times. Know what I mean? When things go good I start to worry about how it’s all going to go downhill. Crazy. It’s that kind of thing that can sink the ship. So, thanks again for the heartfelt and thoughtful comment to take with me. You and Michelle, the lady who posted above, made my day.
      WTG on your ski trip too. It is inspiring, and moderation shall be our new watchword.We CAN go on vacation and enjoy ourselves and not regret when we come home again. We CAN get off that roller-coaster. Might take a few tries, but I’m sure it can be done. Thank you, thank you, thank you for listening and for reaching out when I needed it.

  3. Diane

    Hi Laurie!

    I too need external validation! I know in a logical sense that I am a very likable person and I always present myself in a positive way, but so many times I question whether people really like me. I know this is silly, but unfortunately all too real my crazy head.

    Thank you again for podcasting. I am looking forward to the next episode.


    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Yep, I still have some of that going on. I think MOST of us do. Though, I have made some progress as the show went on, I think because I got external validation finally I ceased to need it quite so much. So THANKS for commenting and helping me feel valid today 🙂
      PS, xoxoxoxxo You seem like a very nice lady to me!


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