Ep 0016 – Progress in Vegas and a Song my Father would Love.

Mark and I at the Wynn Las Vegas, the day before my double nickel B-Day
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My hubby and I at the Wynn in Las Vegas the day before my double nickel birthday.

Podcast Recap

An update on how I’m handling my emotion-charged Vegas birthday trip. What ever happened to my lost microphone? How we can torture ourselves with negative thoughts. Janet calls the Bravery hotline, so I keep my promise and sing a song my father would love. Shout-outs to Ava, Janet and Crystal.


The episode Ava commented on about expectations and disappointments. Take a look and give her a reply.

Bravery Hotline

Leave your comments, questions, feelings and stories on Laurie’s podcast voicemail hotline – 206-350-6445.


Host: Laurie Weaver
Guest Voice: Janet from NC

Main Theme: I’m Letting Go by Josh Woodward from The Simple Life Part 1

I’m Letting Go (Josh Woodward) / CC BY 3.0

Resource of the day

Birthday Quotes – Let’s Celebrate Fun, thought-provoking and inspirational quotes all about the “B” word – no, not THAT B-word,birthdays!
Comments box:

3 thoughts on “Ep 0016 – Progress in Vegas and a Song my Father would Love.

  1. Carol from Detroit

    I think I found your podcast right on time. Although I am showing up late to the party, I anticipate catching up to your current episode quickly. I’m on business travel right now in Indy and travel once a month in 1 week blocks for my corporate job. I love it but I absolutely DREAD the eating aspect of road trips/traveling. Good for you for making mindful decisions and doing this podcast. I’m so glad it’s out there. I feel how you felt in this episode EVERY MONTH!

    Gosh, I completely understand the feelings you get when your traveling and having to deal with all the food. Sometimes it literally stresses me out and I’m learning this is a HUGE trigger for me, how could it not right… after all it’s all FREE food right. Anyhow, thanks again. This episode spoke to me directly today. Thanks for all the good content.

    1. Sue

      Welcome, Carol. I hope you continuine to enjoy these podcasts. I always find inspiration and gain more self-awarenese from listening. I hope that as you continue to listen and reflect that you will find a strategy that works for you. I look forward to hearing more from you.

    2. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Hi Carol! I will probably welcome you on Day 105 so you might like to skip ahead for that one. It is fun to hear you say Indy, as one of the service centers for the job I retired from was based there – and it brings back memories from meetings and discussions at work. Though I am GLAD to not have the job, I do miss the people. Ah the dreaded business trip. I used to love to go to conferences and meetings, but hated the pressure of figuring out what to eat. All of that kind of business catered food was usually not the easiest to fit into an eating plan. Mindful eating is a great choice. I also kept a bag of nuts in my purse at all times so I could keep hunger at bay in case ALL available food was crap. I’ve gotten so I don’t even want to bother unless I at least like something – but over hunger is a killer for me. I will ATTACK crap if I get too hungry. Hence the nuts work for me. Like Sue, I’m looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts as you progress through the episodes. Welcome xoxoxoxoxox


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