Tag Archives: reflection

Ep 0050 – Laurie Celebrates Half of a Podcast Century

Laurie holding her hiking poles in one hand by a tree
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Hurrah! Hiking poles today intend of a cane. ‘Nuff said.

Podcast Recap

I’m filled with awe and gratitude as I exchange my cane for hiking poles once again and ascend my beloved mountain to celebrate the 50th episode of Compulsive Overeating Diary. I reminisce about where I began on this experiment and ponder where I’m going. I think about all of the blessings that have come my way from interacting with you, the brave companions. Cheryl calls the bravery hotline to support Brandi and earns her spot on today’s Bravery Report. A shout-out to new listener and brave companion, Maria from the UK, comments from Michelle, Stéfanie and Cheryl and an update about Alva the English teacher from France. Another big thank-you to Josh Woodward for his inspiring song, I’m letting go.

Sunrise over the mountains at the start of the trail. Close-up of the trail marker sign.

Trail marker at the beginning of the day. The sunrise marks the beginning too of my hopeful journey to record from the mountain.

The trail winds uphill on a calm and sunny blue-sky day

The trail upward. Each step of the way I asked my body if I could continue. Really unique and good practice to get back in touch with the part of me I have hated, ignored and mistreated. Body, thank you for sticking with me. I love you!

Pile of prayer rocks - various sizes, chiefly granite on a big stone

Here are my 50th episode prayer rocks. For me, it’s a memory, a wish and a released thought into the universe. I place them then think on them. Today I was struck by the many shapes and directions, representing the various brave companions and their individuality – even as we are unified, as the rocks are.

Laurie in a red scarf eats a green apple in a field of grass

I’m thrilled to be eating my traditional pre-recording Granny Smith apple at my next to top Zen place. After my recent back trouble, I doubted I would be able to do my 50th episode from my beloved mountain.

Take a Closer Look

The full resolution versions of today’s photos on Facebook

Also on Facebook, see the selfies from episode one and from episode 50 side by side. Can you see the difference?


Revisit Episode 1

Crystals’s great advice for my birthday on episode 14

Revisit weird day 48 and hear Brandi’s bravery hotline call

Michelle’s great comment about being assertive on Day 46

Stéfanie’s reaction to Weird Day 48 and her wonderful link to her Zen Song

Cheryl’s reaction to Stéfanie’s wonderful Zen Song

Catch up with Laurie

My Spreaker page. Please follow me there if you are on Spreaker.

My Instagram page at LaurieDreamWeaver

FaceBook Page if you want to sign up for our email list by clicking Tiger the Cat’s Sign-up button

Laurie on Tumblr

My page with instructions for all of the ways (so far) that you can send audio and lend your voice to this podcast.

New free way to leave voicemail http://speakpipe.com/laurieweaver You can also click the blue button on this page that says ‘send a voice message.’

Bravery Hotline

Leave your comments, questions, feelings and stories on Laurie’s podcast voicemail hotline – 206-350-6445.


Host: Laurie Weaver

Main Theme:I’m Letting Go by Josh Woodward from The Simple Life Part 1

I’m Letting Go (Josh Woodward) / CC BY 3.0

Resource of the day

50 Good Things About Life
from the blog, Just a Lemon. It is fun to read this person’s positive list of 50 good things in life. Some you may agree with, some not, but it is a very cool idea. I’m inspired to try it myself and create a 50 good things list! How about you?
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Ep 0002 – Chimes vs. Chips. How do you handle stress?

Scroll to the "Comments box" or call 206-350-6445 to tell us what you think.
On podcast pages click the arrow to play the episode.
We bought these chimes just from hearing them, the sound is so pure. Note to self: other senses can be soothing, not just taste.

Podcast Recap

The show opens with the soothing sound of chimes and then nosedives into a situation that would usually have me scrambling for the chips. I share what compulsive overeating feels like, my thoughts on addiction, and how choosing to eat a bag of chips can actually be a positive step.


Laurie’s Sparkpeople team for listeners of the podcast and for those dealing with compulsive overeating, binge eating, or emotional eating issues who’d like support. – Closed 10/22/14 due to lack of participation


Host: Laurie Weaver

Main Theme: I’m Letting Go by Josh Woodward from The Simple Life Part 1

I’m Letting Go (Josh Woodward) / CC BY 3.0

Resource of the day

Amazon.com (USA)

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